





Winter Driving School

TL;DR: Tires. Mountains. Snow. Cowbell. This one's a bopper. 

The Fuller Story: Winter Driving School is a must-attend for people who sell tires for a living. But sometimes you need more than an email blast and a registration form on a website to convince people that what you offer is worth their time.

Bridgestone’s Product Marketing team asked us to help promote WDS by capturing what it actually feels like to attend this yearly seminar-on-wheels in Steamboat Springs, CO.

Knowing a bit about the venue from our team’s past visits, I had a hunch that if we rigged our picture vehicles with mics and cams, our attendees would do all the heavy creative lifting. (Thanks, guys. You really knocked it out of the park.) The piece made its way to Bridgestone North America’s C-Suite, where the praise was unanimous. “We should be doing more videos like these” was a direct quote, and frankly, we agree. And you know what? A little more cowbell would be nice, too, while we’re at it.

Role: CD, concept development

Made with: Alex Miracle (ACD, Art), Nick Waugh (DP, Editor) and Scott Brooks (Editor).

Red Bull Showrun Nashville

TL; DR: Bridgestone Moto asked us to "hype" partner-athlete Aaron Colton at the Red Bull Showrun Nashville. "Okay, cool, yes, we can do that," we said. And by the time the final cut was delivered we had a brand new Agency of Record client.

The Fuller Story: Before this becomes a story about how freaking cool motorcycles are (very freaking cool), this is, first and foremost, a story about trust.

After years spent investing in our relationship with Bridgestone’s Consumer Product Replacement team, we got the call to jump in on a last-minute ask to “just shoot some footage” of one of Bridgestone’s partner-athletes, Aaron Colton, at Nashville’s upcoming Red Bull Showrun. Based upon past work we’d delivered, and our growing role as a leading content producer and storyteller for Bridgestone and Firestone products, our clients assured Bridgestone’s Moto team that we were the agency to take on the job.

But just shooting some footage and going home was never our goal. We wanted to dazzle them with our ability to think creatively and critically—and quickly. So we put together a few concepts, pitching Team Moto on our vision for the shoot, demonstrating our fast grasp of the tone we needed to set.

With a team fully aligned on the overall creative vision, we scouted, shot, photographed, and turned around a final cut with virtually no notes. Which is how you win a new client—and make your existing ones look really great in the process. Trust. It’s a beautiful thing. Okay, now go watch the piece.

Role: CD

Made with: Alex Miracle (ACD, Art) and Nick Waugh (DP, Editor).


TL;DR: Every so often, you get to make real art. This piece would go on to be a Highlighted Campaign on Ads of the World and help our client raise $150K, a sizable chunk of its yearly operating budget.

The Fuller Story: A good idea from a young team became (begat?) a great script, co-created with our talent, a young woman named Bby Dee who had lived every single word you see spoken here. While Bby Dee was confident in her ability to put pen to paper, her nerves quickly showed in early camera tests. And for good reason. Her story was not an easy one to tell. Thankfully, our team had built a strong rapport with Bby Dee, allowing us to get the single-take you see here.

The piece was showcased at historic Ryman Auditorium at a fundraising event hosted by singer-songwriter and producer Breland for Oasis, a nationally-recognized youth crisis intervention center.

I’ll be forever grateful to Bby Dee for opening her heart to us.

Role: Director, CD

Made with: Tatum Hanson (Copy), Amanda Bowring (Assoc. AD), Anne Morgan (ACD, Content), Kari Cottrell (Senior Designer), Sydney Johnson (CP, Design), Scott Brooks (Editor), Nick Waugh (DP) and Bby Dee (Talent).

Bridgestone Enthusiast Content

TL;DR: We pitched a bunch of video ideas for Bridgestone Consumer’s first serious foray into longform video content. They bought most of them. Here’s a few.

The Fuller Story: Tire enthusiasts spend countless hours watching longform content on social platforms like YouTube. Which is great when you’re the world’s largest rubber company with loads of important stories to tell. But it’s not so great when you’re behind the 8-ball on actually bringing those stories to life.

Knowing that there was a real hunger in the market, we worked closely with Bridgestone’s Consumer Product Replacement team to develop a content strategy that would reach enthusiasts across several channels / social platforms and product lines. Then we tapped brand-friends like pro-racer Tom O'Gorman and professional stunt driver Bri Lynch (Black Panther, Creed, Barbie) to bring our product stories to life.

The final result? A major investment from Bridgestone to make more pieces just like this.

These are the cutdowns—tap the links below for the full versions.

Role: Co-director, CD

Made with: Alex Miracle (ACD, Art, Co-director), Nick Waugh (DP, Editor), Scott Brooks (Editor), Nick Swift (DP, Editor), Mika Matinazad (DP).


Bonus Content